Meet The SAB | Dr. Kris Johnson
Three questions with Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Kris Johnson
Meet Dr. Kris Johnson
Dr. Johnson is a Professor and Scientist in the Department of Animal Sciences at Washington State University.
How do you define sustainability?
Sustainability is a target… it’s not really something you could reach, per se, it’s a goal — a place where you are going to have resources available for long-term use. In my mind, sustainability frames the decisions that you make.
For example, if I would like to pass my ranch or farm down and have it go through the family for hundreds of years, I have to make decisions that are economically, environmentally and socially sustainable.
What role can Athian play in advancing livestock sustainability?
I think it’s frankly really cool that a company like Athian would be so interested in everything from the corporate side of sustainability pledges and protocols down to, “how does this really happen on the ground?” That is a valuable thing for everybody involved in the sustainability space.
What are you most excited about in the sustainability space right now?
Compared to when I first started working in this space, there are a lot more resources looking at methane and enteric emission reductions. There is finally funding and interest, and it may well be that this is the time when we can make a breakthrough and sustainably reduce methane emissions.